What’s trending… looking forward...We are looking forward to being back in the office.

Our main workshop has remained where possible in operation, mainly due to the diligent planning by Production Director Terry, in implementing social distancing. It has been a humbling experience to be able to support all our clients through this, not least Johnson + Johnson and AstraZeneca as they trail blaze with undimmed determination to supply tests and research vaccines for the global good in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic. Having product in manufacture for them in the workshop, designs in development and mockups being tested has certainly kept the team very busy. We are looking forward to delivering these projects over the coming weeks and months.

So how are we all coping in lockdown? From the London team Heather and Paul have stepped aside from work temporarily and like many have the joy of home schooling, possibly the hardest job ever, Ofsted rating due anytime now! At our company well being meeting we have enjoyed seeing the tomato plant progress and the Lego so we know they are covering Biology and DT at the very least.

Darrell our Design Director has been enjoying some quality Air-fix time in between working on projects and developing a new over sized rise / fall meeting table, watch this space. Emmanuel, Head of Purchasing has also become Chief Communications Officer and has tirelessly spoken to all our suppliers on daily/ weekly basis to keep our projects on track…. slightly regretting not getting the camera on his laptop fixed before lockdown, company note to make sure we keep on top of the ’tomorrow jobs' when we are back in the office. Our suppliers and workshop partners have been amazing, UK manufacturing certainly knows how to step up in difficult times! Joe our Managing Director has had to juggle running the company from home with two children aged 2 and 4, not an easy task by any means, we have enjoyed the singing in the back ground on conference calls. Wendy, in between work, has been defending the fridge from two teenage boys, and running a lot. Lee who oversees all our site installations has been busy setting out social distancing requirements on sites and making sure projects can be completed on time and safely.

And finally everyones pets, well they have become Zoom superstars! We hope that everyone is staying as positive as possible, we are looking forward to the new normal, whatever that looks like and seeing everyone ‘in the flesh‘ really soon.